Clerks Update on Village Matters

The new play equipment on the Warwick Road Sports Ground is being well used and the resurfaced car park has been very well received. We are awaiting the signage for the play areas and also for the car park. Once these are in place we will begin locking the car park overnight to prevent ASB taking place on the car park.

The High Street seating area around the sensory garden in front of the Vicarage on Church lane is undergoing a “makeover”. This will involve the removal of the trees that were planted as part of the original scheme. The trees were of the wrong species for the walled enclosure around the area. If left, the root system will break the walls and their foundations and as the beds are raised, will create a situation where the trees could blow over in high winds. The fruit from the trees and the leaf fall have also become a health and safety issue throughout the year, meaning that an area designed for people to walk through or sit down in, is a slip hazard. The Parish Council Ground staff, both Qualified Tree Surgeons have agreed that the only course of action is to remove the trees and introduce a new planting scheme, but retaining some of the shrubs and bushes currently planted.

The Station Street Back Lane land purchased last year by the Council is undergoing maintenance work. This involves the removal of the old stable buildings by an approved contractor. This will include the demolition of the buildings, the removal off site of the concrete and brick materials including the building base. The wood from the structure will be disposed of on site by controlled burning during daylight hours. The work is anticipated to take no more than one week to complete. All access will be via Back Lane and Station Street. Once completed, Whetstone Parish Council will be introducing safe access to the three fields by way of new kissing gates, access gates and fencing. The Parish Council Ground staff will be doing some work on site also ahead of public access at a later date.

Finally it is all change in the Parish Council Offices. Your Duckpaddle Editor and Financial Administrator for many years, Sue Tomlinson is retiring at the end of March. She has been a complete source of reliability and stability during her time in the office and I am sure that many of you who have come into contact with her during her time here would agree and wish her well in her retirement.

After a thorough recruitment campaign, I am pleased to welcome Sharon Coe who has joined the Parish Council as our new Deputy Clerk – Financial Administrator. We wish her well in her new role and I am sure she will soon settle in from her handover with Sue. Keep an eye on the website for more information.