Strategic Growth Plan – Leicester & Leicestershire

Planning Ahead, Working Together

The Strategic Growth Plan is the overarching plan which will set out the aspirations for delivering growth in Leicester and Leicestershire.


The strategic Growth Plan is a long term, high level plan that is being prepared jointly by ten partner organisations in Leicester and Leicestershire.  When completed the Plan will set out an agreed strategy for the period to 2050.

The draft plan explains the way in which the Plan has been prepared and sets out the broad locations where development might take place.  It also highlights the infrastructure that would be needed in order to deliver it.

The main focus  is

  • delivering new housing.
  • supporting the economy.
  • identifying essential infrastructure.
  • protecting the environment and built heritage.

Comments are invited from anyone who has an interest in Leicester and Leicestershire.

The consultation period runs from 11th January to 5th April 2018 and consultation events are being held around various locations ( full details of these events can be found on the website)