Budget Survey launched for residents’ views
A survey for residents to give their opinion about how Blaby District Council’s share of the Council Tax budget should be spent has been launched.
Open until midnight on Sunday 17 February, the Budget Survey will ask where the Council should prioritise its services and whether Council Tax should be frozen or increased by an average of 10p per week.
In total Blaby District Council receives only £5.2m of the £58m that it collects in council tax in the district each year. The rest is distributed to the County Council, Leicestershire Police, Fire and Rescue Service and residents’ local Parish Council. Council Tax only contributes to 44% of the Council’s overall running costs.
With local government funding changing, Blaby District Council could face significant financial challenges in the future. Central government contributions have reduced in recent years and the Council has closed the funding gaps by saving money or generating income whilst ensuring high levels of service and customer satisfaction.
The five minute survey can be taken online by visiting www.blaby.gov.uk/consultation.