Dogs of Blaby competition returns



Dog-owning residents of the district can win a pre-Christmas present with the return of Blaby District Council’s Dogs of Blaby competition.

Between now and Friday 13 December anyone living in Blaby District can take a picture of their dog wearing an illuminated collar, lead or coat out and about on their daily walk.

The competition is part of the Council’s effort to ensure dogs can be seen in the dark winter months, reducing the number of potential incidents between dogs and vehicles, and to ensure they do not foul out of sight of their owners.

Entries can be made by posting a photo on the Council’s Facebook page, tweeting @blabydc with the photo, or emailing in a photo at .

The prize, donated by Jubilee Animal Feeds, Cosby, will be built around the breed of dog and include a bed, 5kg of dog food, dog toys and treats.

Michelle Ikin, Senior Animal Services Officer for Blaby District Council, said: “We really enjoy seeing all of the entries for this competition. Whilst we enjoy seeing them, our message is to please ensure your dog can be seen in the dark. Every year we see an increase in dog fouling on our streets and parks, mainly due to owners not being able to see their off-lead dog when it’s dark.”

The winner will be drawn at random and contacted following the draw. Full terms and conditions are available on the webpage.