Les Phillimore

Married with two grown up children, Les lives with his wife Jackie; a Specialist Nursery Nurse and their adult youngest son, in Whetstone, South Leicestershire. Les’s passion for bench-setting; organizational strategy and business vision has seen him introduce numerous initiatives throughout his career to leave a trail of bench-setting metrics, innovations to established doctrines and first-to-market practices across multiple disciplines. A skilled strategist with a thirst for knowledge, Les achieved two postgraduate diplomas followed by his MBA in his spare time and is particularly interested in ancient history and culture. He is a long-standing Parish Councillor and a member of the Cabinet at Blaby District Council. As Policy Lead for the Leicester and Leicestershire area of Federation of Small Businesses, Les represents the FSB at numerous events and agencies such as UK T&I, Bank of England and political engagement forums.

A Co-Director of a boutique Business Consultancy, Les’ recent projects have seen him working on product design, commercialization and funding for global reach technology, design a new service model for the repurposing of Empty Homes, design a business incubation and acceleration model and imminent launch projects with midlands universities on bio-renewable innovation and new SME business engagement strategies. Les is known for his passion for business success, employee development and a Micro-S / SME led economic recovery and has served as a Business Mentor for PRIME.org.uk and a Student Mentor for the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy.