Whetstone Parish Council welcomes its visitors to leave a message on its guestbook.

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2 entries.
Kathryn Jenkins Kathryn Jenkins wrote on 15th December, 2019 at 9:02 am
Carols in the car park. What a lovely event it was on Friday. I just wanted to say a big thank you to the parish council and the organisers. Went for a meal at the Old Vicarage beforehand so didn't have any of the free burgers or hotdogs (although they looked yummy and better than what i'd just paid for!!) but did a couple of hot chocolates :). Thanks again and Merry Xmas
Paul Read Paul Read wrote on 10th March, 2019 at 3:58 pm
My first and long overdue visit to this website! An excellent 'window' to the village and the work of the Parish Council. As a former member and twice Chair, I can appreciate the commitment of those concerned, both in the management of the village amenities and in constantly striving to resolve the issues that inevitably arise in a seemingly ever growing community.