16:36:352016-07-29 16:38:14Severn Trent Information letter
Leicester City Council (LCC) and Leicester City Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) have responded separately to a letter from Healthwatch Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Chairs about concerns with Leicester Royal Infirmary A&E. 16:43:392016-07-29 16:44:46LCC and CCG respond to Healthwatch Letter
Healthwatch Leicester members are invited to a half day event on Tuesday 3 December to help plan how the NHS and social care will face the challenges of the future. The event will be held from 1-4pm at Braunstone Leisure Centre, 2 Hamelin Road, Leicester, LE3 1JN. 16:40:582016-07-29 16:43:24Healthwatch members invited to discuss future of NHS and social care
Healthwatch England has responded to a government-backed review into the NHS hospital complaints system which calls for significant changes in how the NHS handles complaints and deals with problems with patient safety.
Healthwatch Leicester have now teamed up with Healthwatch Leicestershire and Healthwatch Rutland to look at the impact of the Clwyd-Hart review on Healthwatch locally and on the NHS trusts in the area. 16:38:192016-07-29 16:40:41Healthwatch responds to NHS complaints system review
On 5th June, over 70 local residents met to provisionally allocate £15,000 for projects in their local area. During an exciting an interactive evening, local residents from across Blaby Central Forum area met to hear from projects which included computer equipment, to sports equipment and road widening access projects as they gave two minute pitches before voting on their favourites.
Votes were counted, and finally a total of 6 projects were fully funded, and 1 was provisionally funded. These groups will now work with Leicestershire County Council officers to ensure that each project meets the basic checks to qualify for public funding, before offer letters are issued. 16:44:512016-07-29 16:47:487 Projects are successful in securing £15,000 at Blaby Central Community Forum
Leicestershire County Council is asking the public to comment on its proposals to save £79 million over the next four years.
Due to continued reductions in Government grant and loss of funding to academies, the council is proposing to:
Find £79 million of savings and extra income over four years
Use a Government grant to freeze Council Tax next year
Increase Council Tax by 1.5 per cent for each of the following three years
Stage further consultation next year to look at the shape and future of the council Byron Rhodes, the council’s deputy leader and resources spokesman, said: “We face a very challenging situation of reduced grants, increased demand for services and lots of uncertainties. “Although we’ve taken prudent decisions to balance our budget over the last four years, faced with further pressures, we have to save more and consider small tax rises in the next few years. But even that isn’t enough – we know from the Chancellor that austerity cuts will continue until at least 2018. In the next couple of years, we will have to look at making radical changes to the shape of the council – the scale of the savings required means we can no longer find most of them from doing the same things more efficiently. We will have a breathing space over the next year to involve the public in how we meet the remaining £30 million of savings that are required in 2015/16 and 2016/17.”
Last year, the council agreed to save £74 million over four years and it has saved £25 million of this so far. The latest proposals are to save £79 million over the next four years – of which £49 million has been identified. An estimated 1,100 full time equivalent council posts will go over the next four years, although compulsory redundancies will be lower, through staff turnover and vacancy control. The council has made 750 redundancies over the last three years.
Savings are required due to:
A £29 million reduction in Government grant over the next two years
Increased demand for key services, including social care for adults and children and waste disposal
Proposed areas for savings include:
£300,000 from rural bus subsidies (down from the original target of £1 million)
£2.5 million from restructuring the children and young people’s service
Efficiency savings proposals include:
£3 million from reducing senior management and administration
£16 million from reducing overheads and simplifying processes
Extra investment is also proposed in the following, priority services:
£1.7 million extra for children’s social care next year
£15.4 million extra for adult social care over the next four years
Capital investment proposals include:
£3 million extra from the Government for highway maintenance
£1.2 million to develop extra care accommodation in Blaby, in the first phase of a county-wide scheme
The council’s ruling cabinet will meet at 2pm on Wednesday, January 16th, to discuss the proposals.
People can comment on the proposals by visiting from January 11th until January 27th . The results will be considered by the cabinet on February 6th, before the full county council takes a final decision on the budget and Council Tax precept at 2.30pm on February 20th.
The latest financial plan is guided by the following principles:
Planning spending within the resources available.
Maximising the contribution from efficiency savings.
Being clear about priorities in terms of growth and service reductions that are needed.
Targeting scarce resources at those with greatest need.
Achieving value for money for Council Tax payers. 16:49:362016-07-29 16:58:45Leicestershire County Council to make £79m savings
Blaby district’s new refuse and recycling scheme, which launches soon, will now include weekly recycling collections instead of fortnightly.
The original plan for the new scheme was to continue weekly refuse collections, but for recycling to be collected fortnightly with residents receiving a larger 240 litre wheeled bin.
However Blaby District Council has received £2 million funding from the Government’s Weekly Collection Support Scheme, and this will allow the Council to retain weekly recycling collections for at least five years.
It also means a reduction of only two posts as opposed to the eight posts that were to be originally lost in the move to a fortnightly co-mingled collection.
Weekly collections will utilise the existing 140 litre bins that residents already have, removing the need to supply everyone in the district with larger bins.
This will make the change over to the new co-mingled system much simpler and easier to manage.
Councillor Guy Jackson, Portfolio Holder for Regulatory and Neighbourhood Services said: “During the two trials conducted earlier this year, the preference from residents was clearly for weekly recycling collections and many expressed a desire to keep the current 140 litre bins.
“It is therefore brilliant news that we are now able to do this, as well as being able to retain more of our staff than originally thought.”
The new scheme will allow residents to put all their cans, plastics, paper and cardboard into the same wheeled bin, and offers environmental improvements by reducing the number of vehicles and the amount of fuel used, and providing less congestion on the roads.
For more information on the new scheme visit, email or call customer services on 0116 272 7555. 16:58:502016-07-29 17:00:56New boxes to bins scheme in Blaby district will now have weekly collections 17:02:262016-07-29 17:04:17LCC Changes to street lighting in Whetstone
HM Planning Inspector has dismissed David Wilsons Homes appeals against Blaby District Councils refusal for their aplications concerning land off Springwell Lane and Wright Close.
Well done to all of those of you who registered their disproval to the plans over a two and a half year period. The two reasons given were the building on countryside was not proven and the presence of water voles in the brook and ditch areas were of significant importance to protect their habitat. 17:01:052016-07-29 17:02:21Planning Inspector dismisses David Wilson Homes appeals
This is to inform you that the two planning applications 12/0176/1/OX – Demolition of existing industrial buildings and proposed residential development for maximum 136 dwellings, associated infrastructure, open space and vehicular access from Cambridge Road (Outline) – Land at Warwick Road / Cambridge Road Whetstone and 12/0279/1/OX – Proposed residential development ( maximum 84 dwellings ) associated landscaping and infrastructure including bridge with access from Cambridge Road (Outline)(revised scheme) – Cambridge Road Whetstone were determined by BDC Development Control Committee which took place on Thursday 24th May 2012.
It is pleasing to say that both applications, fully supported by your Parish Council were approved. This means that the village has been able to determine the desired use of two areas of the village by using Neighbourhood Planning principles to work with the applicant, in getting the very best for you, the residents of Whetstone.
The Parish Council is now working towards the planning appeal for the David Wilson Homes appeal for the proposed development on land off Springwell Lane for 178 dwellings which takes place at BDC Offices starting on Tuesday 26th June 2012 at 10.10 a.m. This is scheduled for three days.
We will keep you informed on the progress. The above appeal is open for members of the public to attend. Speaking is not permitted unless the Inspector invites this. We have registered to speak as a Parish and will present our case.
Your attendance would be welcomed to show the Inspector that we are against this proposal and our case will based around this.
Severn Trent Information letter
Information from Severn Trent Water Authority regarding the works taking place on the Vicarage Lane Public Open Space.
Please click on the link to access the letter detailing the works taking place, and also contact numbers for any issues.
Severn Trent Information letter
LCC and CCG respond to Healthwatch Letter
Leicester City Council (LCC) and Leicester City Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) have responded separately to a letter from Healthwatch Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Chairs about concerns with Leicester Royal Infirmary A&E.
Source: Blaby Central Community Forum
Healthwatch members invited to discuss future of NHS and social care
Healthwatch Leicester members are invited to a half day event on Tuesday 3 December to help plan how the NHS and social care will face the challenges of the future. The event will be held from 1-4pm at Braunstone Leisure Centre, 2 Hamelin Road, Leicester, LE3 1JN.
Source: Blaby Central Community Forum
Healthwatch responds to NHS complaints system review
Healthwatch England has responded to a government-backed review into the NHS hospital complaints system which calls for significant changes in how the NHS handles complaints and deals with problems with patient safety.
Healthwatch Leicester have now teamed up with Healthwatch Leicestershire and Healthwatch Rutland to look at the impact of the Clwyd-Hart review on Healthwatch locally and on the NHS trusts in the area.
Source: Blaby Central Community Forum
7 Projects are successful in securing £15,000 at Blaby Central Community Forum
On 5th June, over 70 local residents met to provisionally allocate £15,000 for projects in their local area. During an exciting an interactive evening, local residents from across Blaby Central Forum area met to hear from projects which included computer equipment, to sports equipment and road widening access projects as they gave two minute pitches before voting on their favourites.
Votes were counted, and finally a total of 6 projects were fully funded, and 1 was provisionally funded. These groups will now work with Leicestershire County Council officers to ensure that each project meets the basic checks to qualify for public funding, before offer letters are issued.
Results can be found by clicking here.
Leicestershire County Council to make £79m savings
Leicestershire County Council is asking the public to comment on its proposals to save £79 million over the next four years.
Due to continued reductions in Government grant and loss of funding to academies, the council is proposing to:
Last year, the council agreed to save £74 million over four years and it has saved £25 million of this so far. The latest proposals are to save £79 million over the next four years – of which £49 million has been identified. An estimated 1,100 full time equivalent council posts will go over the next four years, although compulsory redundancies will be lower, through staff turnover and vacancy control. The council has made 750 redundancies over the last three years.
Savings are required due to:
Proposed areas for savings include:
Efficiency savings proposals include:
Extra investment is also proposed in the following, priority services:
Capital investment proposals include:
The council’s ruling cabinet will meet at 2pm on Wednesday, January 16th, to discuss the proposals.
People can comment on the proposals by visiting from January 11th until January 27th . The results will be considered by the cabinet on February 6th, before the full county council takes a final decision on the budget and Council Tax precept at 2.30pm on February 20th.
The latest financial plan is guided by the following principles:
Planning spending within the resources available.
Maximising the contribution from efficiency savings.
Being clear about priorities in terms of growth and service reductions that are needed.
Targeting scarce resources at those with greatest need.
Achieving value for money for Council Tax payers.
Source: Blaby Central Community Forum
New boxes to bins scheme in Blaby district will now have weekly collections
Blaby district’s new refuse and recycling scheme, which launches soon, will now include weekly recycling collections instead of fortnightly.
The original plan for the new scheme was to continue weekly refuse collections, but for recycling to be collected fortnightly with residents receiving a larger 240 litre wheeled bin.
However Blaby District Council has received £2 million funding from the Government’s Weekly Collection Support Scheme, and this will allow the Council to retain weekly recycling collections for at least five years.
It also means a reduction of only two posts as opposed to the eight posts that were to be originally lost in the move to a fortnightly co-mingled collection.
Weekly collections will utilise the existing 140 litre bins that residents already have, removing the need to supply everyone in the district with larger bins.
This will make the change over to the new co-mingled system much simpler and easier to manage.
Councillor Guy Jackson, Portfolio Holder for Regulatory and Neighbourhood Services said: “During the two trials conducted earlier this year, the preference from residents was clearly for weekly recycling collections and many expressed a desire to keep the current 140 litre bins.
“It is therefore brilliant news that we are now able to do this, as well as being able to retain more of our staff than originally thought.”
The new scheme will allow residents to put all their cans, plastics, paper and cardboard into the same wheeled bin, and offers environmental improvements by reducing the number of vehicles and the amount of fuel used, and providing less congestion on the roads.
For more information on the new scheme visit, email or call customer services on 0116 272 7555.
LCC Changes to street lighting in Whetstone
LCC embarked on a cost saving exercise to reduce costs by turning off street lights throughout the County.
The Parish Council have been informed that the changes approved for Whetstone will begin mid may.
Further information can be found at
LCC Changes to street lighting in Whetstone
Planning Inspector dismisses David Wilson Homes appeals
HM Planning Inspector has dismissed David Wilsons Homes appeals against Blaby District Councils refusal for their aplications concerning land off Springwell Lane and Wright Close.
Well done to all of those of you who registered their disproval to the plans over a two and a half year period. The two reasons given were the building on countryside was not proven and the presence of water voles in the brook and ditch areas were of significant importance to protect their habitat.
The link below will take you to the Inspectors Report.
Planning Inspector dismisses David Wilson Homes appeals
Latest Planning Application Updates
This is to inform you that the two planning applications 12/0176/1/OX – Demolition of existing industrial buildings and proposed residential development for maximum 136 dwellings, associated infrastructure, open space and vehicular access from Cambridge Road (Outline) – Land at Warwick Road / Cambridge Road Whetstone and 12/0279/1/OX – Proposed residential development ( maximum 84 dwellings ) associated landscaping and infrastructure including bridge with access from Cambridge Road (Outline)(revised scheme) – Cambridge Road Whetstone were determined by BDC Development Control Committee which took place on Thursday 24th May 2012.
It is pleasing to say that both applications, fully supported by your Parish Council were approved. This means that the village has been able to determine the desired use of two areas of the village by using Neighbourhood Planning principles to work with the applicant, in getting the very best for you, the residents of Whetstone.
The Parish Council is now working towards the planning appeal for the David Wilson Homes appeal for the proposed development on land off Springwell Lane for 178 dwellings which takes place at BDC Offices starting on Tuesday 26th June 2012 at 10.10 a.m. This is scheduled for three days.
We will keep you informed on the progress. The above appeal is open for members of the public to attend. Speaking is not permitted unless the Inspector invites this. We have registered to speak as a Parish and will present our case.
Your attendance would be welcomed to show the Inspector that we are against this proposal and our case will based around this.