The parade will meet at 10:00am at Dog and Gun Lane, Whetstone. The parade will start at 10:10am and then march down Wychwood Road,
Laundon Way, Burnham Drive, Brook Street and finally onto High Street to the war memorial. The service starts at 10:45am.
Minor delays can be expected as the parade passes. High Street Whetstone will be closed between 10:45am and 11:15am between Station Road and Wale Road.
Our friends at Whetstone Baptish Church are live-streaming the coronation inside their new Springwell building. Pop along in good time before the start of the coronation.
https://www.whetstoneparishcouncil.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/notice-elections.png9001600whetstonehttp://whetstoneparishcouncil.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Whetstone-logo-light.pngwhetstone2023-04-03 10:07:362023-04-05 17:07:58Notice of Elections
Whetstone Parish Council (WPC) is continuing its fight against a planned development on part of Trinity Road Park, which sits in the heart of the old village. East Midlands Homes (EMH) has applied for permission to build 8 dwellings on part of the park that sits alongside the Grade 1 listed St. Peters Church.
When this matter came to light last year, the Parish Council spent pubic money in getting professional advice for land values, but on the advice given, made an offer to Blaby District Council (BDC), the site owner, for £1, the nominal value attached to any area of public open space. This was not accepted at the time as it was not seen as public open space.
At a recent Parish Council meeting, it was agreed to make an enhanced offer to BDC, having commissioned their own RICS valuation of the land as potential building land, which places its value at £137,500, as it currently stands, without planning permission.
This offer retains the green space within Whetstone whilst allowing BDC to realise a realistic monetary value for the site which is deemed surplus to the District Council’s requirements. It is the Parish Council’s intention that the property will remain a green space available for use by the community in perpetuity.
The Parish Council are aware of the obligation upon the District Council to deliver affordable housing within Blaby District, but know that Whetstone has already provided more affordable homes than required and that the brown field sites within the village are currently being developed with 127 affordable dwellings under construction.
The Vice Chairman of the Parish Council, Mark Jackson has again asked for the help and support of the village. “Once again, the Parish Council are stepping up the fight with an offer of real cash to Blaby District Council. This is a win-win situation for both the District Council, who maximise a revenue stream for land they no longer require and for the Parish Council, who can secure the “heart of the old village” for generations to come. We know that the village of Whetstone is supporting its Parish Council”
Contact: Mark Jackson – Vice Chairman
Trinity Road Park banners placed on Trinity Road Park railings
https://www.whetstoneparishcouncil.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Trinity-Road-Park-banners-placed-on-Trinity-Road-Park-railings.jpg9002000whetstonehttp://whetstoneparishcouncil.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Whetstone-logo-light.pngwhetstone2023-01-10 10:14:162023-01-16 10:14:51WHETSTONE STEPS UP ITS FIGHT AGAINST LOSING PART OF A MUCH-LOVED GREEN OPEN SPACE TO HOUSING
Whetstone Parish Council is committed to protecting its green open spaces and its much-loved play areas. Trinity Road Park sits in the heart of the old village, and is bordered by a variety of residential homes, and St Peter’s church (photo enclosed). It is used by parishioners as part of daily village life, for exercise, for walking their dogs, and for playing. It is also used as a route from the Parish Council owned Car Park to St. Peters Primary School and to the village Cemetery. There are villagers who happily remember playing games with their friends when they were children, as decades later, they now walk through the park to meet friends, with their children and grandchildren doing the same and following in their footsteps.
Blaby District Council (BDC), as current owners of Trinity Road Park, which sits alongside the Grade 1 listed St. Peters Church, agreed last year, to sell part of the park the land to East Midlands Homes (EMH) for the purpose of building 8 houses. The park in its entirety, since 2012 has been leased to the Parish Council who maintain the park. Approval was subject to other planning applications also being sought and approved. This included the Car Park that sits off the Balk, next to the Glenfield Methodist Church on Station Road.
When this matter came to light last year, the Parish Council spent pubic money in getting professional advice for land values, but on that advice, made an offer to BDC for £1, which is a nominal value attached to any area of public open space. This was not accepted at the time. It was still hoped that common sense would prevail and that no application would be forthcoming.
It was again hoped that development on Trinity Road Park would never come about, as EMH already had approval in the village, supported by the Parish Council, to building 78 dwellings on the Whittle Estate in Whetstone. The loss of valuable green public open space and the above approvals, together with a further 49 dwellings now approved for the Venture group in Whetstone, again on the Whittle estate brown field site, is felt that Whetstone has taken it fair share of affordable / social housing across the Blaby District.
The Parish Council have now received a planning application from Blaby District seeking full planning permission for Erection of 8 no. dwellings with access from High Street and on-site parking together with associated works including landscaping.
It has always been the belief and opinion of the Parish Council and indeed the village, that this has been used as a single open space since when the land was owned by the Church. In the move to sell off and build on part of the park, BDC defined the land as “underutilised” due to it not have play equipment on it. This is simply not the case.
The Parish Council have never been opposed to the building of affordable housing, and has seen several plots built within the village in the past with the Parish Council supporting and even encouraging development on former brownfield sites in the village. Many became eyesores and the old GEC buildings, the old Wheatsheaf Public House and the old Electroform site on the High Street are examples of this. With the 127 approved affordable dwellings listed above, Whetstone has already provided more affordable homes than required within Blaby District. Already 137 homes out a district wide pipeline of 749 are approved and under construction in Whetstone. This is simply overbearing development for affordable provision.
The Vice Chairman of the Parish Council, Mark Jackson will be asking for the help and support of the village. “Now the application is validated by BDC as the planning authority, we will object to the application based on solid planning reasons, and we will start a campaign aimed at highlighting this unnecessary and unwelcomed loss of valuable open space. We hope the whole village of Whetstone will join us.”
Contact: Mark Jackson – Vice Chairman
Mobile 07443 475676
Email –
https://www.whetstoneparishcouncil.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Trinity-Road-Park-alongside-St-Peters-Church.jpg8931191whetstonehttp://whetstoneparishcouncil.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Whetstone-logo-light.pngwhetstone2022-11-14 10:11:492023-01-16 10:14:14WHETSTONE WILL FIGHT THE LOSS OF PART OF ONE OF ITS MUCH-LOVED GREEN OPEN SPACES
Nominations have opened for residents to put forward their local heroes in Blaby District Council’s special Community Awards.
Following a difficult 18 months for the country, communities and voluntary groups, the Council has been keen to find a way of honouring local people of all ages and community groups who make a positive difference to the district.
Three categories are open for nominations until Wednesday 15 September 2021:
Volunteer of the Year
Young Volunteer of the Year
Community Group of the Year
Both Volunteer and Young Volunteer of the Year will honour people who have given up their time to help others in the Blaby District community. Their efforts can include volunteering at a club or group, or supporting an individual or improving the district. The winner of both categories will receive £100, with the runners up getting £50.
£750 will also be given to a chosen community group selected by the Volunteer and Young Volunteer winners, with £500 cash available for a group chosen by the runners-up.
The Community Group of the year category recognises groups or organisations that have improved the quality of life for residents within the District of Blaby. £1000 is up for grabs for the winning group, whilst the runner up will receive £500.
Councillor Sharon Coe, Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing, Community Engagement and Business Support, said “The Community Awards are our way of honouring the volunteers and voluntary groups who have done so much in their community, particularly since the pandemic hit.
“Funding for the individual awards has kindly been donated by Central England Co-operative and BHIB Charities Insurance. The group prizes are being funded by proceeds from the Love Blaby Lottery. We can think of no better way of using this money than to ensure it’s given back to the local community to support their activities and voluntary efforts.
“If you know a person or group who has done something extraordinary to improve people’s lives, please nominate and let us know!”
Anyone interested in nominating can find out more and nominate online by visiting the Community Awards webpage.
http://whetstoneparishcouncil.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Whetstone-logo-light.png00Clerkhttp://whetstoneparishcouncil.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Whetstone-logo-light.pngClerk2021-08-24 09:11:152022-08-25 09:44:11Community Awards open for nominations
Remembrance Sunday
remembrance route details 2023
The parade will meet at 10:00am at Dog and Gun Lane, Whetstone. The parade will start at 10:10am and then march down Wychwood Road,
Laundon Way, Burnham Drive, Brook Street and finally onto High Street to the war memorial. The service starts at 10:45am.
Minor delays can be expected as the parade passes. High Street Whetstone will be closed between 10:45am and 11:15am between Station Road and Wale Road.
All are welcome to join the parade and service.
We Will Remember Them
For more Information Email:
District Council Election Results
Please find election results for both North and South Whetstone
district-result-north-whetstone district-result-cosby-south-whetstoneWhetstone Coronation Celebration
The Coronation Ceremony
Saturday 6 May 2023
Our friends at Whetstone Baptish Church are live-streaming the coronation inside their new Springwell building. Pop along in good time before the start of the coronation.
The Big Lunch and Concert
My 7 May 2023 Trinity Road Park 12 – 6pm
Keep up to date with all the latest news facebook.com/whetstonecelebrations
| 07468 367193
Can I bring a picnic?
Feel free to bring your own picnic if you don’t fancy our food/drink vendors – we don’t mind!
Is there anywhere to sit?
We have a limited number of picnic tables to sit at, but these may be occupied quickly and so we’d recommend bringing a blanket and chairs with you.
What about the weather?
We’ll be embracing our British grit by going ahead in all weathers.
Notice of Elections
Please see the below notice of council elections. Please remember that you need to bring photo ID to vote.
No ID? You can apply for free voter ID. Find out more at https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/i-am-a/voter/voter-id
Notice of Uncontested Election- Whetstone Parish Council- North Ward Statement of Persons Nominated- North Whetstone Notice of Uncontested Election- Whetstone Parish Council- South Ward Statement of Persons Nominated- Cosby South WhetstoneWHETSTONE STEPS UP ITS FIGHT AGAINST LOSING PART OF A MUCH-LOVED GREEN OPEN SPACE TO HOUSING
Whetstone Parish Council (WPC) is continuing its fight against a planned development on part of Trinity Road Park, which sits in the heart of the old village. East Midlands Homes (EMH) has applied for permission to build 8 dwellings on part of the park that sits alongside the Grade 1 listed St. Peters Church.
When this matter came to light last year, the Parish Council spent pubic money in getting professional advice for land values, but on the advice given, made an offer to Blaby District Council (BDC), the site owner, for £1, the nominal value attached to any area of public open space. This was not accepted at the time as it was not seen as public open space.
At a recent Parish Council meeting, it was agreed to make an enhanced offer to BDC, having commissioned their own RICS valuation of the land as potential building land, which places its value at £137,500, as it currently stands, without planning permission.
This offer retains the green space within Whetstone whilst allowing BDC to realise a realistic monetary value for the site which is deemed surplus to the District Council’s requirements. It is the Parish Council’s intention that the property will remain a green space available for use by the community in perpetuity.
The Parish Council are aware of the obligation upon the District Council to deliver affordable housing within Blaby District, but know that Whetstone has already provided more affordable homes than required and that the brown field sites within the village are currently being developed with 127 affordable dwellings under construction.
The Vice Chairman of the Parish Council, Mark Jackson has again asked for the help and support of the village. “Once again, the Parish Council are stepping up the fight with an offer of real cash to Blaby District Council. This is a win-win situation for both the District Council, who maximise a revenue stream for land they no longer require and for the Parish Council, who can secure the “heart of the old village” for generations to come. We know that the village of Whetstone is supporting its Parish Council”
Contact: Mark Jackson – Vice Chairman
Trinity Road Park banners placed on Trinity Road Park railings
Duckpaddle News – Christmas 2022
The latest Duckpaddle News can be found here: Duckpaddle Christmas 22
Whetstone Parish Council is committed to protecting its green open spaces and its much-loved play areas. Trinity Road Park sits in the heart of the old village, and is bordered by a variety of residential homes, and St Peter’s church (photo enclosed). It is used by parishioners as part of daily village life, for exercise, for walking their dogs, and for playing. It is also used as a route from the Parish Council owned Car Park to St. Peters Primary School and to the village Cemetery. There are villagers who happily remember playing games with their friends when they were children, as decades later, they now walk through the park to meet friends, with their children and grandchildren doing the same and following in their footsteps.
Blaby District Council (BDC), as current owners of Trinity Road Park, which sits alongside the Grade 1 listed St. Peters Church, agreed last year, to sell part of the park the land to East Midlands Homes (EMH) for the purpose of building 8 houses. The park in its entirety, since 2012 has been leased to the Parish Council who maintain the park. Approval was subject to other planning applications also being sought and approved. This included the Car Park that sits off the Balk, next to the Glenfield Methodist Church on Station Road.
When this matter came to light last year, the Parish Council spent pubic money in getting professional advice for land values, but on that advice, made an offer to BDC for £1, which is a nominal value attached to any area of public open space. This was not accepted at the time. It was still hoped that common sense would prevail and that no application would be forthcoming.
It was again hoped that development on Trinity Road Park would never come about, as EMH already had approval in the village, supported by the Parish Council, to building 78 dwellings on the Whittle Estate in Whetstone. The loss of valuable green public open space and the above approvals, together with a further 49 dwellings now approved for the Venture group in Whetstone, again on the Whittle estate brown field site, is felt that Whetstone has taken it fair share of affordable / social housing across the Blaby District.
The Parish Council have now received a planning application from Blaby District seeking full planning permission for Erection of 8 no. dwellings with access from High Street and on-site parking together with associated works including landscaping.
It has always been the belief and opinion of the Parish Council and indeed the village, that this has been used as a single open space since when the land was owned by the Church. In the move to sell off and build on part of the park, BDC defined the land as “underutilised” due to it not have play equipment on it. This is simply not the case.
The Parish Council have never been opposed to the building of affordable housing, and has seen several plots built within the village in the past with the Parish Council supporting and even encouraging development on former brownfield sites in the village. Many became eyesores and the old GEC buildings, the old Wheatsheaf Public House and the old Electroform site on the High Street are examples of this. With the 127 approved affordable dwellings listed above, Whetstone has already provided more affordable homes than required within Blaby District. Already 137 homes out a district wide pipeline of 749 are approved and under construction in Whetstone. This is simply overbearing development for affordable provision.
The Vice Chairman of the Parish Council, Mark Jackson will be asking for the help and support of the village. “Now the application is validated by BDC as the planning authority, we will object to the application based on solid planning reasons, and we will start a campaign aimed at highlighting this unnecessary and unwelcomed loss of valuable open space. We hope the whole village of Whetstone will join us.”
Contact: Mark Jackson – Vice Chairman
Mobile 07443 475676
Email –
Trinity Road Park alongside St Peters Church
Whetstone Jubilee Celebration
Whetstone Jubilee poster
Latest Duckpaddle News
Duckpaddle newsletter for Spring 2022
Community Awards open for nominations
Nominations have opened for residents to put forward their local heroes in Blaby District Council’s special Community Awards.
Following a difficult 18 months for the country, communities and voluntary groups, the Council has been keen to find a way of honouring local people of all ages and community groups who make a positive difference to the district.
Three categories are open for nominations until Wednesday 15 September 2021:
Both Volunteer and Young Volunteer of the Year will honour people who have given up their time to help others in the Blaby District community. Their efforts can include volunteering at a club or group, or supporting an individual or improving the district. The winner of both categories will receive £100, with the runners up getting £50.
£750 will also be given to a chosen community group selected by the Volunteer and Young Volunteer winners, with £500 cash available for a group chosen by the runners-up.
The Community Group of the year category recognises groups or organisations that have improved the quality of life for residents within the District of Blaby. £1000 is up for grabs for the winning group, whilst the runner up will receive £500.
Councillor Sharon Coe, Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing, Community Engagement and Business Support, said “The Community Awards are our way of honouring the volunteers and voluntary groups who have done so much in their community, particularly since the pandemic hit.
“Funding for the individual awards has kindly been donated by Central England Co-operative and BHIB Charities Insurance. The group prizes are being funded by proceeds from the Love Blaby Lottery. We can think of no better way of using this money than to ensure it’s given back to the local community to support their activities and voluntary efforts.
“If you know a person or group who has done something extraordinary to improve people’s lives, please nominate and let us know!”
Anyone interested in nominating can find out more and nominate online by visiting the Community Awards webpage.