Elliot Close and Winchester Avenue Open Spaces

These open spaces belong to David Wilson Homes. Parishoners should contact David Wilson Homes, Customer Liaison Department:- telephone 01530 276700 if they have any maintenance problems or enquiries regarding the open spaces.

Playground Facilities

Playgrounds can be subject to forms of vandalism. Consequences of this action means that repairs and replacements not budgeted for have to be done which will have a knock on effect on any planned new equipment or updating.

Please if you see or know of those responsible report it to the relevant people as highlighted below. The Parish Council are always reassessing playground facilities and welcome input from all residents, young and old, yes there is play equipment available on the market that is specifically for those of us that are young at heart.

If you have any suggestions let us know.

The Parish Council owns Trinity Park, Oliver Park and Warwick Road Recreation Ground. If you notice issues with the parks that urgently need addressing for example :- Dog Fouling, Vandalism and Litter, incidents must be reported to the police 999 (for emergencies only) or 101 (for general Police enquiries), dog warden (0116 272 7515) or parish council (0116 2751987). You can remain anonymous if you fear reprisals. The District & County council will prosecute!

Ongoing anti-social behavioural problems spoil everyone’s enjoyment, and is the main reason for lack of investment in the past. We have to work together to tackle these problems and ensure that in 2015 and beyond the parks and equipment remains clean, presentable and usable for all.

Don’t let inconsiderate youth, litter louts and dog owners run the parks. These are your parks – Take Them Back!

Shelduck Public Open Space

Ownership of the Public Open Space has now transferred to the Parish Council and we have full responsibility for this.

Traffic Calming

Despite the road safety measures taken throughout our village viz road humps and speed limit signs, speeding motorists are still exceeding legal limits, taking risks with their own and pedestrians safety.

Speed limit signs state the absolute maximum permitted speed but inappropriate speed means driving too fast for prevailing road conditions. Therefore, speed limits are not a right neither are they targets to be reached at all costs.

The Parish Council have now purchased a Speed Activated Warning Sign. Captured data from this camera is presented at Full Council meetings.