Current Village Issues.


Provision of a facility whereby members of the public can report graffiti to the District Council. Blaby District Council (BDC) will arrange for the removal of the graffiti in a timescale determined by the content with the highest priority likely to be given to graffiti which is racist or offensive in some other way.

How to request removal of graffiti.

  1. Contact BDC by e-mail, telephone, online form or by coming into the Council
  2. Before we can begin action to remove the graffiti we will need the following details:
    1. Location
    2. What it is
    3. Your details if you wish to be contacted

Further information

Graffiti is an illegal, anti-social activity that creates a negative impression of an area and contributes to people’s fear of crime.

Graffiti should be removed by the owner of the land or property that it is on. Graffiti on public land or property can be reported to the Council for removal.


Blaby District Council has a responsibility under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 for the sweeping of streets and removal of litter

There are four Environmental Maintenance Operatives out in the district on a daily basis, providing a district cleansing service.

They have a responsibility to clear litter from any Blaby District Council owned land and the public highway.

Litter on private land is the land-owners responsibility.


Blaby District Council will remove abandoned vehicles from public land (including highways) and on private land with landowner’s consent.

  1. You can report an abandoned vehicle by e-mail, telephone or letter, or by filling in the online form (link below)
  2. Before BDC can begin action to remove the vehicle they will need to make sure it is abandoned, so we will need the following details:
  • your name, address and telephone number
  • the location of the vehicle
  • whether the vehicle is on public or private land
  • the type of vehicle, the colour, and registration number (if available)
  • whether the vehicle is currently taxed/untaxed. Vehicle tax discs are no longer required, please check if a vehicle is taxed online at:
  • whether the vehicle is a wreck (e.g. burnt out, tyres deflated etc.)
  • how long the vehicle has been there


Under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005, it is an offence if anyone in charge of a dog, whether it belongs to them or not, fails to remove the dogs faeces should it foul in any public area within the District of Blaby. This includes parks, footpaths and also private land where public are permitted to have access.

Anybody who is witnessed committing an offence under the above Act will be offered the opportunity to accept a fixed penalty notice and pay a fine to discharge liability for the offense. Refusal of the fixed penalty notice or failure to pay the fine will result in legal action.

Blaby District Council is also responsible for street cleansing and will respond to any reports of dog fouling, which need to be removed / cleaned.

How do I request dog mess removal or cleaning?

  1. Contact BDC by e-mail, telephone, online form or by coming into the Council
  2. Information we will need from you:
    1. your full name
    2. your full address including your postcode
    3. your home telephone number and a number which we can contact you on during normal office hours if this is different
    4. your email address (if applicable)
    5. details of the area where the mess is

Dog mess removal / cleaning

The Environmental Maintenance Section will endeavour to clean up any dog fouling on the day it is reported, or the next day at latest.

Report offenders with known identity

If you witness somebody failing to clean up after their dog, and you know who they are or where they live, the Dog Wardens can issue a fixed penalty notice if you are willing to provide a witness statement.

If you are not willing to provide a witness statement, the Dog Wardens can still investigate the offender and make attempts to witness the person committing an offense.

Report offenders with unknown identity

If you witness somebody failing to clean up after their dog, but do not know who they are or where they live, the Dog Wardens can investigate the offender and make attempts to witness the person committing an offense. Any information that you can provide, such as times of offenses and descriptions of dog and owner will assist the Dog Wardens with their investigation.

Discuss a fouling problem

If you are aware of an area where dog fouling is a persistent problem, the Dog Wardens can investigate and monitor the area. Any information you can provide, such as approximate times when the fouling is occurring will assist the investigation.

Preventative measures

The Dog Wardens will endeavour to combat dog fouling in problem areas. Actions may include increased patrols, pavement stencils, extra signage, leaflet drops, and in areas where there is a persistent problem, the installation of CCTV cameras.


Blaby District Council can arrange for the removal of dead animals from all public areas and highways.

  1. Contact BDC by e-mail, telephone or by coming into the Council
  2. Information we will need from you:
    1. your full name
    2. your full address including your postcode
    3. your home telephone number and a number which we can contact you on during normal office hours if this is different
    4. your email address (if applicable)
    5. details of the animal and its location

We can remove dead animals from private residences on request (for a charge of £35.00).

All dogs and cats which are collected are checked for identification, including microchips. Where details of an owner are found, they will be contacted.

All animals we collect are dealt with and disposed of in a respectful manner.


Leicestershire County Council is responsible for maintenance and repairs of street lights, and lighting faults including illuminated bollards, signs and beacons throughout Leicestershire (with the exception of Leicester City and a small number of rural parishes).

For more information, please see the County Council street lighting web page (link below). To report a fault, please go to the streetlight defect web page (link below).


There are many different types of bus shelters throughout the district of Blaby and although they are not all owned by the Council we liaise with the relevant organisations to ensure that they are repaired and maintained.

  1. Report any damage or maintenance works required to a bus shelter online (link below)


Fly-tipping is the common term used to describe waste being illegally dumped instead of being disposed of properly at a landfill site or tip.  Common types of fly-tipped waste are:-

  • Household waste
  • Large domestic items such as fridges and mattresses
  • Garden waste
  • Commercial waste such as builders rubble, tyres and clinical waste

Why is fly-tipping a problem?

Local authorities in England dealt with over 700,00 incidents of fly tipping in 2012/13, costing taxpayers over £36 million to remove.

Fly tipping is:

  • Illegal– and clearing it up costs taxpayers’ money
  • Unsightly– fly tipping is a sign of a neglected neighbourhood and is associated with increased levels of crime and fear of crime.  It also discourages investment and new businesses from moving into the area.
  • Unsafe – dumped waste can consist of dangerous items such as syringes, asbestos and toxic waste.  It can also attract rats, flies and other disease carrying pests

It is an offence under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to fly tip any material, it carries a fine upon conviction of up to £50,000 or one year imprisonment.

Fly-tipping is often associated with dumping waste from vehicles. In this case, the person controlling the use of the vehicle, normally the registered keeper, can also be prosecuted. This means that it is possible for a prosecution to occur when only the vehicle, not the driver, is identifiable

Report it

Don’t put up with dumped rubbish – report it!  You can report fly tipping online using the link below or call Blaby District Council on 0116 272 7555.


Flyposting is an illegal, anti-social activity that creates a negative impression of an area and contributes to people’s fear of crime.

Blaby District Council is responsible for the removal of illegally posted advertisements, leaflets etc, on both council and privately-owned property in the area.

How to request removal of flyposting

  1. Contact BDC by email, telephone or by coming into the Council offices
  2. Before we can begin action to remove the flyposting we will need the following details:
    1. Location
    2. What it is
    3. Are there any details on the flyposting, i.e. name, telephone number, etc
    4. Your details if you wish to be contacted


You can also report highways defects on line to Leicestershire County Council.

Issues could include the following

  • Defects on roads or pavements, such as potholes
  • Overgrown trees or hedges,
  • Damaged drains or manhole covers,
  • Damage to road signs,
  • Problems with traffic lights.