Air Quality Consultation open

A blue sky with sun

A consultation on Blaby District Council’s new Air Quality Action Plan is now open for resident’s views.

The comprehensive new plan will replace the previous version, first introduced in 2014. Work on the plan has seen the Council shift priorities to offer deliverable and sustainable objectives.

Residents are invited to offer their views on the proposals before the document is put to Cabinet Executive for approval.

Setting out to improve air quality in the district, the plan’s objectives include:

  • Monitoring Nitrogen Dioxide levels throughout the district
  • Work with local schools, businesses and Leicestershire County Council to try and reduce traffic levels
  • To implement the Walk and Ride Blaby initiative to connect communities and places by creating and improving a sustainable transport network

The Council is also keen to work with taxi drivers, bringing them into the next generation of car ownership and encourage a shift towards EV ownership. 24 charging points will be delivered in Blaby District Council’s car parks in the coming months as part of a commitment to EV ownership.

Work to further understand traffic problems in the Air Quality Management Areas is also part of the plan. The Council currently has five Management Areas in the district, in areas including Enderby, Braunstone Town and Whetstone.

Councillor Sharon Coe, Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing and Regulatory Services, said: “This plan set out our vision of how we want to tackle air quality over the next five years. We have a number of initiatives that we want to achieve, but want to hear what residents think before we finalise our plans.

“This is a critical issue both locally and nationally and we understand our responsibilities in ensuring our air quality is improved, to benefit the lives of residents. Please let us know what you think before the closing date.”

The consultation is open until Saturday 21 November 2020. To view the proposed Action Plan and submit your views visit the Consultations page.